It's almost official now: after an incident that occured yesterday, the Blowhard will be looking for a new place to live. The Third World has now infected a once great neighborhood in Brooklyn, and now it's time for greener pastures. What happened yesterday? Here goes. Ever since the six family apartment building next door was sold to off the boat Chinese immigrants, strange things have been happening. Taking a six family building and cramming 20 or more families into it is a common practice these days, and so is converting basements to illegal apartments is the norm. One small building could have over a hundred residents, and what does the NYC Department Of Buildings do about it(besides taking bribes?)? NOTHING. People are living like cattle, and owners are being paid thousands from the illegal tenants. There is activity 24/7 next door, and all through the night people are sitting outside, smoking, drink tea and screaming in their awful language into their cell phones. The police have been here dozens of times, and luckily, it's been quiet lately. However, many of the basements not only house illegals, but they operate businesses, mainly mini-sweatshops, and they get away with it. It's a disgrace, and Mayor Bloomberg should be impeached for looking the other way, as if he's a proponent of cheap and exploited labor. Now back to my revulsion. Yesterday afternoon I stepped outside and said hi to two of my neighbors: both female, both young(in their 30's), one with an infant. They were shooting the breeze on the front steps, (what we commonly call "the stoop" in Brooklyn), and I went to retrieve my mail in the first floor hallway. About two minutes later, after returning to my apartment, I heard a scream. It was a scream that shook the building, a scream that shook yours truly. I grabbed my Louisville Slugger and ran outside, ready to swing for the fences on some bastards face, and I was shocked to learn what had happened: the Chinese Super next door was putting out her garbage cans and a giant rat ran out of one of her garbage cans! A fucking rat! In all of my years living in Bay Ridge and Sunset Park, I never saw a rat! Rats are for Bed-Stuy, or Brownsville, but not here! Even worse, as my two neighbors fled the scene, the Chinese woman just stood there, as if nothing was wrong. That's right, this Third World savage didn't even flinch. After checking on the girls, who were both pale with dread, I called the NYC number 311 to report this disgusting incident. In fact, I called again today, and I'll probably call again later today. God knows what's in that basement next door, and I'll be damned if I tolerate this shit. This is just another great example of how illegal immigration is turning this once great city into a Third World hellhole, and pretty soon the impoverished, shit eating, street living citizens of India will be laughing at us, we are doomed if we don't stop the madness. I won't hold my breath.
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